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Sean Quinn


It was cold, damn cold. Growing up in Iowa Corporal Kevin Ryan was used to cold winters that seemed to go on forever, but this was nothing like the winters of his youth. The forest floor was covered with a foot of snow and it was easily 10 degrees below zero. The temperature in his foxhole was slightly warmer then if he were above ground, but 5 degrees here or there wouldnt matter anyway. He had only been in the Ardennes Forest for a little less then 36 hours, and already he hated it.

In the cold, muddy ditch that became his bed, kitchen and bathroom he thought about the last hot meal that he had, it was four days ago in England. The simple meal of eggs and toast didnt stay down for too long once he was aboard the transport ship. The powdered eggs and stale toast now sounded like a gourmet meal compared to the dry, cold "K" rations that he was currently forced to ingest. But even K rations were getting hard to come by. Either the Germans would cut off the supply line or begin an artillery barrage when the platoon would line up to eat.

He also recalled his arrival to France via the long secured Omaha Beach. This was one of the beaches that just a few months earlier was host to one of the greatest military feats in all history. It was a place where thousands of men his age died and also where his best friend Captain Mike Kleckner had met his death while bravely leading a charge to take out a machine-gun nest. ....................



Yet Another Author's Name Goes Here
"Our tragedy today is a general and univeral physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirt. Ther is only the question: When will I blow up?
Beacuase of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself, which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat." <^ William Faulkner ^


Another Author's Name Will Go Here
Arthur discovering a way of coping with life on Prehistoric Earth.
"`... then I decided that I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. I kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic.'
Arthur cleared his throat, and then did it again.
`Where,' he said, `did you...?'
`Find a gin and tonic?' said Ford brightly. `I found a small lake that thought it was a gin and tonic, and jumped in and out of that. At least, I think it thought it was a gin and tonic.'
`I may,' he addded with a grin which would have sent sane men scampering into the trees, `have been imagining it.'"

---This segment was Ford updating Arthur about what he's been doing for the past four years.
---by: Douglas Adams, of the Hitchhikers books

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