So, you're lazy and don't want to look through these links, just click here: Automatic Idea Genorator
Moving on...
Here are the links in the category of
An Application of Vladimir Propp's Morphology of the Folktale to Korean Folktales
Beowulf: Pagan burial rites in a "Christian" poem
Deconstruction: Some Assumptions
Historicist Theories of Rationality
Online Litary Criticism Collection
Papers, by or relating to Derrida
Reader-Response: Various Positions
Poe & Lovecraft by Robert Bloch
Romanticism in The Fall of the House of Usher
Finnegans Wake, Definitions, Words, and Meanings
A Framework for Finnegans Wake
Resources for Study and Research: Cardinal Newman and His Times
Technology in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein and William Gibson's Neuromancer
Clarissa (movie synopsis, but still helpful)
Mary Wollstonecraft - Vindiction of the Rights of Women
History of great authors (1629-1865)
Dyslexikon: Leda and the Swan (a fair interpretation)
English and Grammer
The Blue Quill: Writing Resources
Guide to Ellipses According to MLA
Take me to Link-o-vision 3!
Take me to the Bat Cave, boy wonder!